Case 19 - Raymond Ching 3

Raymond Harris-Ching. New Zealand bird paintings. Nelson: Potton & Burton, 2021.

Raymond Harris-Ching. New Zealand bird paintings. Nelson: Potton & Burton, 2021.

Despite spending most of his career in Britain, Raymond Ching never lost interest in his roots, and has continued to paint the New Zealand birds which inspired his initial interest in art. Working primarily in oils and watercolours, Ching’s works are often incredibly detailed and slowly built up, layer upon layer, sometimes leaving the under-drawing peeking through the transparent paint.

Ching’s most recent book of New Zealand bird paintings is open at the native kingfisher or kōtare Todiramphus sanctus.

Raymond Harris-Ching. New Zealand bird paintings. Nelson: Potton & Burton, 2021.

Raymond Harris-Ching. New Zealand bird paintings. Nelson: Potton & Burton, 2021.
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