Case 18 - Raymond Ching 2

Errol Fuller (editor). Kiwis: a monograph of the family Apterygidae. Illustrations by Raymond Harris-Ching. Auckland: SeTo, 1990.

Errol Fuller (editor). Kiwis: a monograph of the family Apterygidae. Illustrations by Raymond Harris-Ching. Auckland: SeTo, 1990.

Raymond Ching provided 75 colour and black and white illustrations for this comprehensive historical and scientific overview of New Zealand’s beloved national icon the kiwi, a curious, ancient bird found only on these islands. The text is open at Ching’s familiar depiction of two fighting North Island brown kiwi Apteryx mantelli, one of five extant species of kiwi.

Errol Fuller (editor). Kiwis: a monograph of the family Apterygidae. Illustrations by Raymond Harris-Ching. Auckland: SeTo, 1990.

Errol Fuller (editor). Kiwis: a monograph of the family Apterygidae. Illustrations by Raymond Harris-Ching. Auckland: SeTo, 1990.
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