The Legend of the Seven Whales of Ngai Tahu Matawhaiti = Te Pakiwaitara o nga Tahora Tokowhitu a Ngai Tahu Matawhaiti nā Mere Whaanga-Schollum i tuhituhi, i whakaahuatia; nā Epanaia Whaanga i whakamāoritia. Auckland, N.Z.: Ashton Scholastic, 1990.
Mere Whaanga (Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Rongomaiwahine, b.1952) grew up on an isolated sheep station near Gisborne where she spent a lot of time reading, exploring and walking as a child. She recalls:
“The greatest influence of these years was my father’s teaching about our responsibility to the land, and his love of our people’s history and legends… I had always had a vague idea about someday writing down the legends my father told me…I realised that there were very few of our kaumatua who knew the old legends, and that they should be recorded.”
Whaanga is a writer, illustrator, researcher, historian and academic, and has recorded the stories her father told her as a child to share a Māori worldview to new generations of tamariki. She has written a range of non-fiction pukapuka on Māori cultural practices, Treaty of Waitangi claims and Māori history and holds a Doctorate from The University of Waikato on Māori land law.